Straining to hold the weight

Straining to hold the weight of these beauties for weeks, our little plum tree is standing tall again! After watching the fruits’ colours turn ever-deeper in the summer rain, today I nipped out between showers and harvested 70 plums – not bad for a tree planted out only last year – all perfectly ripe, juicy and colourful. A handful immediately made a tasty plum, ginger and star anise sauce with pan-fried duck breasts for tonight. The rest will find their way into crumbles over the coming days.


This is just one of many insights into my work as a travelling private chef in the North of England. "Where do you cook?" I hear you ask, "I'm looking for a private chef near me".

Well, this example relates to my work as:

I travel throughout the North - check where I can come and cook for you

Private chef for hire in the North of England