A lovely surprise ‘thank you’ from Orkney arrived this week. Last month I spent a whole day cooking for @erik.donaldson2019 and his family, who were staying in the North York Moors National Park for a birthday celebration. To make it extra special they asked me to cook all of their meals for a day – with local ingredients from Lancashire and Yorkshire – and as a thank you Erik went home to Orkney and handcrafted this beautiful chopping board and had it couriered to my house. Branded up with my logo, burnt into the wood by hand, it’s a fabulous and practical piece that will be going with me on all of my private chef travels. Thank you Erik and the Donaldson family!

This is just one of many insights into my work as a travelling private chef in the North of England. "Where do you cook?" I hear you ask, "I'm looking for a private chef near me".
Well, this example relates to my work as:
I travel throughout the North - check where I can come and cook for you