For the next week I’ve been asked by a lady in the USA to cook and deliver meals for her sister in Skipton. It’s a gift to help after hospital surgery so that no cooking needs doing at home during her recovery. My private chef services are often purchased as a special gift for friends or relatives and it’s always a pleasure to turn up on the doorstep with a big smile and make their day. These meals will all be dairy free, gluten free, as organic as possible and big on home-cooked taste.
Day zero – today’s delivery – was a pre-hospital treat: pork belly slow roasted with stock veg, white wine and maple syrup with crackling (or Swiss chard gratin vegan option) plus rainbow carrots, French beans, Spartan apple purée and cubed marfona potato chips.

This is just one of many insights into my work as a travelling private chef in the North of England. "Where do you cook?" I hear you ask, "I'm looking for a private chef near me".
Well, this example relates to my work as:
I travel throughout the North - check where I can come and cook for you