One of the things I like about living and working in the Pennines is the sense of place and belonging that a horizon of hills gives you. From the kitchen windows here at Dallicar House in Giggleswick, where I cooked for a visiting family this week, I could see the familiar shape of Weets Hill – my ‘home hill’ on whose slopes my house sits. When I walk out of my front door, in the distance I can see most of the Yorkshire three peaks area around Settle, with Ingleborough dominating the horizon in the North. Even heading right to the Western coast, the hills and mountains of the Pennines and Lake District still form the backdrop.

This is just one of many insights into my work as a travelling private chef in the North of England. "Where do you cook?" I hear you ask, "I'm looking for a private chef near me".
Well, this example relates to my work as:
- Travelling private chef
- Private chef in Giggleswick
- Private chef in Settle
- Private chef in the Yorkshire Dales
I travel throughout the North - check where I can come and cook for you