Experimentation day with various veg

Experimentation day with various veg recipes from books from the noughties by @nigelslater and @darina_allen: seared patty pan squash with freshly picked marjoram; aubergine moutabal made with lemon and tahini; crispy braised cavolo nero with pesto …all served with a whole roasted cauliflower centrepiece. Plus whole griddled sweetcorn, thyme and pepper potato wedges and BBQ sauce to keep the kitchen going through the day.


This is just one of many insights into my work as a travelling private chef in the North of England. "Where do you cook?" I hear you ask, "I'm looking for a private chef near me".

Well, this example relates to my work as:

I travel throughout the North - check where I can come and cook for you

Private chef for hire in the North of England